30 Dec December wanderings
Posted at 05:31h
in battery point, hobart, port arthur, richmond, tasmania, Uncategorized
Hi welcome to my new blog, I am hoping to use this as a forum to show new work and post my activities and thoughts.
I will start with my recent wanderings in Tasmania. We decided to have a December break to aviod the pre-Christmas madness and recharge before the busy wedding season coming up. So early December we headed to Hobart.
Hobart is an interesting town, it is a good mix of new and old buildings and has been able to retain most of the heritage of the area within a growing city. I like to walk around cities as you see more than you would driving through them, so I spent a bit of time blindly walking the streets.
One of the areas of Hobart that I enjoyed was Battery Point where many of the older buildings are and still retain their magic.
The house above sat alone on an intersection and still retains a feel of grandness of many of the houses in the area. The buildings in this area date from the early to mid-1800’s.
During our first week there we also visited the historic town of Richmond. I photographed this car outside the Congregational Church (1873) what drew me to this was a new car trying to look old outside a church that is old.
During a three day camping trip to Fortescue bay we popped down to Port Arthur to see the historic prison. It was a very picturesque place to have a prison.
The image above was one of the images that I took there. It was very hard to get an image in a
popular tourist site and have no people in it. It just shows that if you persevere you can get it right.
Posted at 16:43h, 11 JuneHello Chris!
Are you the same Chris Hill who published the excellent Landscapes of Connaught? I don't buy many books, but I sure bought that one!